These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*
Chuan Xin Lian 穿心莲
- Clears lung and throat disorders. Also used for urinary tract infections and toxic manifestations on the skin such as sores.*
- Clears toxins, dries dampness and stops diarrhea.*
Andrographis cools heat toxins in the Lungs and Stomach and thus treats symptoms such as influenza, cough, and wheezing from Lung Heat, lung abscess, sore, swollen throat, and boils due to fire toxins. It's bitterness dries damp-heat in the Large and Small Intestines for those with dysenteric disorder, hot painful urinary dribbling and eczema. Because of its cooling nature, it helps stop nosebleeds.*
Reference from: Materia Medica 3rd Edition page 181-182, , and other various sources such as instructors, practitioners, class notes and other books.
100 Vegetarian Caps, 1 Cap=4000mg raw, 8:1 Concentrated, Zero Filler